Friday, June 15, 2018

20180615_Trunk Brake Light Flasher

Knew going in to this project that the brake light wires should be solid green for the ground and green with a red stripe for the brake.  Believed that if I could find the connector for the trunk light harness I should hopefully find those wires.

Took the seat off and the right passenger hand hold and located the 4-wire connector with the correct wires I wanted.

Hooked up a 12-volt LED to the bike end of the connector and the LED lit up upon applying the brakes.
So far so good...  So I cut the wires to the connector and temporarily installed the "Purishion 2x 24W Flash Strobe Controller Flasher Module for LED Brake Light Tail Stop Light 12-30V" and that also was successful so I proceeded to solder it in place. **Note: click on the link to Amazon where I bought the module

With everything working as expected it was time to bundle it all back up with vinyl tape and stuff it back in it's place!
And now I hope to be able to show you a short video of what the brake light does now.